
By Anonymous - 28/02/2011 18:29 - United Kingdom

Today, after disappearing for an unusually long period of time, my boss called the store phone while sitting on the toilet. Turns out she'd started bleeding uncontrollably from the arse, and as the only other female staff member, she needed me to go help her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 066
You deserved it 3 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AntoshaChekhonte 6

Um, I hope you went to help. I'm no fan of blood, asses, or bosses, but it's really some human decency. **** your life and all, but **** her life even more. How humiliated do you think she was that she had to call you for help?

CaptainPickles72 18

I would've asked for a raise first.


Well **** HER life, I'd say. Horrible, probably painfull AND embarrassing.

KVKdragon 26

somebody call 911, shawty fire burning on the bathroom floor, woaaoh sorry that happened OP. but at the very least, your boss will trust you the most with important tasks (other than things like this) since you helped her in her time of need

tahvoh 3

hahahahaha fucken Win comment!

Seeing as how that sounds like a medical emergency, I think calling 911 would be a good choice.

*999 :) I agree but it's possible the boss wanted to get up and get dressed or something like that before greeting the ambulance.

MuchDance90s 0
KVKdragon 26

somebody call 911, shawty fire burning on the bathroom floor, woaaoh sorry that happened OP. but at the very least, your boss will trust you the most with important tasks (other than things like this) since you helped her in her time of need

briidontgive_ 0

FHL. And yours ... But this sounds kinda fishy to me ...

I guess she wasnt kidding while screaming its too tight last night

sara8866 8

What the hell is wrong with her butt that she is "bleeding uncontrollably from it"

The most common causes of severe lower GI bleeding are diverticular bleeds and hemorrhoids. Thee are other less common causes like colorectal cancer, but these are usually slower bleeds rather than life-threatening hemorrhaging.

Doc... Amazing profile pic for this specific FML. +Rep

How the hell did the bottel get up there...

the word arse pisses me off. say the cuss word right! its an ASS lol

Not everyone speaks American English...

Yes, but to be fair, some people speak real English.

Haha, in REAL English, it's arse. Just like it's aluminium and not aluminum. You need to be less ignorant of the rest of the world.. Illiterate twats.

For God's sake, #41. Not everyone's from Britain... You are as ignorant as the stereotypical American. Go take a culture class and loosen up.

For God's sake, #41. Not everyone speaks British English... You are just as ignorant as the American stereotype. Go take a culture class and loosen up.

ktdad07 0

I wouldn't say classifying all Americans as illiterate twats really constitutes a win. 22 is obviously ignorant, but he doesn't represent our country. I speak the version of English I was taught growing while up here, bit I'm still mindful of the differences between the two. Please don't lump us all together.

ktdad07 0

And 'call' should be 'say'. ****, that was a mess.

Hmm... i have no problem with Americans using their version of the English language, so long as they understand pretty much every other English speaking country (And those with English as a second language) uses British English... It's just when people are too ignorant to know both... when i meet an American who understands British English my respect for them soars.

Wow O.O people get offended by anything nowadays. And #41, you call me illiterate without even knowing the definition of the word, obviously i am writing, and the fact that i'm replying to your comment is proof I can read so, therefore im am completely literate. I have a right to my opinion. But, if you saw, there is clearly an LOL at the end which means it was not to be taken seriously. So ask yourself, who is the illiterate twat now? Have a nice day :)

"im am completely literate" "im am," Sure you are buddy. And im am a girl.

Literacy has nothing to do with grammar #89. You fail

KayleeFrye 39

I'm an American, and I love using British English. It confuses people. Once I asked a co-worker if she wanted crisps or biscuits, and she looked at me like I had two heads. (For my clueless fellow Americans, I was talking about chips and cookies, respectively) :) If you really want a laugh, wait for a rainy day, and remind a friend to wear rubbers!

in fact I, in school, learn a mixture of british and american english and I use this mixture (ooooh how horrible of me^^)

number 41. grow up seriously not every person speaks your freaking language. get over it and stop being a douchebag.

Ass comes from the latin "asinus" meaning "donkey". Arse comes from greek "orros" meaning "tail". The different spelling is totally justified.

You know that doesn't make sense? If you are talking about 'rubbers' in English, then you are talking about 'erasers' in American English, and therefore are telling people to go outside in the rain wearing the thing you use to rub out a mistake you've written in pencil.....

KayleeFrye 39

I was referring to the fact that many people call condoms "rubbers."

haha i agree #41.... at least the aussies and the poms have it right! :P we say "arse" lol

cryssycakesx3 22