House hunting

By ohboy - 06/03/2009 00:51 - United States

Today, I was supposed to see an apartment. Thirty minutes after I was to meet the owner, she still hadn't shown. I called her. When I got no response, I was annoyed and kept calling. Finally, she answered, said, "I'm in the hospital with my father. He just died. Please stop calling me," and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 160
You deserved it 21 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IndigoKitty 3

thats not really a fml, how were you supposed to know? most people would do the same if someone didn't show when they were supposed to. Don't feel bad!

chibinezu 0

She was very rude considering you had no idea what had happened and she was still the one breaking her appointment without notification.


Wow! You loser! I can't believe you said accio! You didn't use the spell correctly! It's "Accio Keys!"...if the spell isn't said properly how can you expect results?

that is so not your fault. If she were a responsible lady she would have called and told you "I'm sorry, my dad just passed away, can we reschedule?" What she did was just bitchy!!

Arrg, why did the oldie kick the bucket right now??? Now I ain't getting my apartment! FML

She's the asshole. What, are you supposed to know from her not picking up the phone that her father died? I mean, it's obnoxious to stand someone up and assume they know you have a valid reason, then get mad at them when they wonder where you are.

chill the hell out 32. if you're calling a friend to chat and he doesn't answer after the first time, then you are an ass to keep calling. if she had an appointment with this guy and wasn't showing up he should've kept calling back. it's far more rude to break an appointment and leave the guy standing there then to call and find out what the hell is going on. i feel bad for the landlord, but she should have cancelled the appointment, or at least answered the first time he called. she had no right to snap at him.

Ok, you're obnoxious. But she could have just turned her phone off, you're not supposed to have them on in hospitals anyway they can disrupt the equipment.

thinkpink 0

The very best the landlord could have done was notify her workplace that the rest of the places she'd be showing had to be canceled due to a family emergency, and then left it up to her work to call the rest of her clients and explain; and the very least she could've done would be NOT to be a complete bitch about not even letting the poor guy know what's going on. All she had to do was answer the first time, explain that she was in an emergency and would have to reschedule. She put herself through more by not answering.

You shouldn't feel bad about it, there was no way you could've known that. If the person has an appointment with you and fails to show up and to notify you, it's legitimate to call several times to see what's going on (the person may not have seen/heard the call the first times). She was very rude to you to try to make you feel bad about it like it was your fault. But her circumstances are a bit special, she was probably so upset (understandably) she forgot to cancel her appointment and was nasty on the phone.

lol wow, bad luck. it's not your fault, how would you have known? it sucks that she was so rude about it... but then her father just died. the whole thing sucks.

pltcllyincorrect 0

the people that said that you're a jerk or obnoxious or whatever are really stupid. just saying. but yeah, it sucked for both of you. however, maybe she should have taken the 20 seconds it takes to tell you she has a family matter and she'll reschedule.