I just work here

By don't get paid enough for this - 11/07/2015 02:20 - United States - Youngstown

Today, while at my shitty, minimum wage job at McDonalds, a guy walked out of the bathroom. He said "Good luck in there." worriedly, then left. I don't know if it was his handiwork, but it looked like a shit grenade had detonated. It was even on the walls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 423
You deserved it 2 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ColonelCusswords 24

Better get some serious disinfectant. Not pussy ass bleach, I'm taking acid


That was one hell of a smelly bomb he dropped on you.

There has to be an awesome story behind that.

ColonelCusswords 24

Depends on the persons point of view as the event occured. "Oh sweet christ wtf did i eat what did i do to deserve this?" or " hahaha im ******** like a firehose"

#15 Gee, you sure were excited to come up with that overused line.

I just saw the opportunity and just ran with it XD since we are usually over run with it just felt wrong to not keep up with a terrible tradition XD

Considering your username, I'm assuming you will be able to relate with OP on this one.

ColonelCusswords 24

Better get some serious disinfectant. Not pussy ass bleach, I'm taking acid

But bleach is a base, not an acid (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

ExtremeEncounter 32

57 That's kind of why he/she said acid...

hi1234567891234 15

Your right, it is a shitty job.

pleasedie 22

Welp time to quit and look for a new job.

Dude that's so gross. I don't get how people can be so nasty in public Imagine how gross his bathroom is at home lol ;w;

Probably isn't because then he would have to clean it.lol

LadyLuck93 20

******* nasty... sorry to hear that, man. Hope you didn't have to clean up that mess.