Judgmental much!?

By Stairway2Heaven - 02/03/2009 21:03 - Canada

Today, I came home to find that my room had been ransacked. My mom comes out of nowhere and says that we need to have a talk. I freaked out thinking it was all the empty alcohol bottles under my bed. My mom holds up the birth control and says, "I always knew you were a whore." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 666
You deserved it 19 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LittleMissMack 0

Ugh I hate parents like that. Would they rather you're on birth control or you tell them you're pregnant.

oh come on... its just birth control.


At least you're being safe by using BC! Your mother is nuts.

Unless you're getting paid for sex, you're not a ***** and your mom's just an idiot. And if you are getting paid, save every penny to get the hell out of that house.

#42 nailed it. Technically, she'd be a **** if she's unpaid. ****** (despite other problems) are compensated for the use of their orifices. That being resolved; Your mom's kind of a bitch...

marris 0

Most people don't want to broadcast to the world, even just their famililes, that they are infertile

freddie_fml 0

Ask her if she'd rather be called "Grandma."

#10: Birth Control != Safe Sex. Try condoms. OP: Sorry....

wow, bad parenting methods. degrading your child? not cool. Okay, if your mom has a problem with you having sex, that IS an issue but at least you're not going to wind up pregnant. I recommend a sit down with mom. you shouldn't let her treat you like that, for one, and she should realize the good choice you've made.

Well, at least that was for something remotely serious. My dad kicked me out of my house for a few days for failing a 3 point quiz. I had to find a friend to sleep over at his house.

Great mom you've got there...damn. I'd much rather know my kids' doing it safe than to diminsh them about it. Oh well, some people just weren't meant to be parents...