Nice try

By Journo - 27/04/2009 19:46 - United States

Today, after two months of unemployment, I got a call from a marketing firm offering me an interview for an entry-level position. While Googling the company, I discovered it's a scam. I graduated college in 3 years with a 3.5 GPA, and the only interview I can get is at a fake company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 128
You deserved it 5 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Socrates_fml 0

good catch, at least. imagine if you went and were scammed. THAT would have been a real FML. This is an FML with a bright side


#80: "You graduated from college in 3 years? Impressive. Not only are you a genius, but you time travel, too!" Lots of people do this. I got a full semester's worth of credit hours because of AP classes. There are kids entering college now with a whole year's worth of BS intro college courses out of the way so they can actually get started on what they want to do, but this is for the ambitious. It saves a lot of money.

#81: "You graduated from college in 3 years? Impressive. Not only are you a genius, but you time travel, too!" Lots of people do this. I got a full semester's worth of credit hours because of AP classes. There are kids entering college now with a whole year's worth of BS intro college courses out of the way so they can actually get started on what they want to do, but this is for the ambitious. It saves a lot of money.

lovelylady123 0

next time dont try and get out of college so fast. might i suggest stop and shop or wallmart and maybe if u can really handle it macys?

blland 0

you need a PhD for being a cook here. who do you think you are?

BB_baby 0

am i having deja vu or did a FML worded pretty much the same exact way get posted awhile ago?

@#34: In this economy, everything matters. More people are applying for the same jobs, school, gpa, even your credit score will all come into effect. Vector is only a scam if you make it out to be a scam. I was a cook for 4 years while in college and can honestly say the knives are not bad or too overpriced. I worked for Vector and made a few grand in the month I needed to find a real job.

You are all forgetting the most important question! Who is the company? What Is the Scam?

i love how these high schoolers think they're hot shit and and try to lecture college students, seriously you guy aint seen nuthin yet and don't get me started on that #22 middle school kid......

fatfaceunited 0

This is to all you snobby kids in middle and high school with one "C" in their transcript or a 42 GPAs. Enjoy the good life while you can, cause in college professors don't hold your dick while you pee. you have to learn how to unzip your pants, pull it out and release the urine all by yourself. Learn how your cocks feel boys, because it can be a shock when you haven't felt them since your mom got you spanking your monkey.

RiChY_BaBy08 0

dang!!! thats weak. and in the current status of the economy skams are up. and you're smart for reasearching the company. but lucky for finding out its a skam