
By thiswouldhappen. - 17/03/2009 02:19 - United States

Today, my dad gave me a promise ring on my one-year anniversary with my boyfriend and made me swear I would wait until marriage. Four hours later, he walked in on us having sex in my bedroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 676
You deserved it 265 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why do parents think a ring will convince their dear daughter to keep her leg closed? it never works.

And that is why you don't do it in your parents' house.


why wait, only to find out you're married to someone who's horrible?

KatiiKhatastrofi 0

If you were having sex that same day, I would assume you've had sex before. If you weren't a virgin when you're dad gave you the ring, you shouldn't have taken the ring. AT ALL. Personally, I believe in waiting but no one's ever forced me. And I'm an atheist, so it has nothing to do with the Church. But it should be YOUR choice, not your father's. So FYL so having overbearing parents. YDI for accepting it when you weren't even a virgin.

julesmarie88 0

okay 197 F*CK church and ur stupid belief. if people wana F*ck, then so be it. who waits untill marraige?! oh what's that... NO1!!!

brisadiva9 0

Calm down why don't ya? You'd be surprised how many people actually wait until marriage because they feel they owe their whole selves to the person they wanna marry.

endurancefan212 21

I'm waiting you judgmental, arrogant, jerk.

if OP was going to have sex, she shouldve done it where her father couldn't walk in

boojie97 12

i agree with 197 it sez in the bible to wait and for all u assholes who r gonna comment " the bible is full of crap" and stuff like that, ya might wanna consider reading it first. ud b surprised how amazing it is

Chocolate_Chunk 2

I've read it. That's why I know that the bible is full of crap.

parents think that because, behind only teenaged girls, they are the dumbest creatures on the planet

missIrene 6

I know promises were made to be brokenbut wat kind of dumb ass does at home and hasn't any one ever heard of a lock? you never bring it home in the first place

Your Dad shouldn't have tried to force you.