
By thiswouldhappen. - 17/03/2009 02:19 - United States

Today, my dad gave me a promise ring on my one-year anniversary with my boyfriend and made me swear I would wait until marriage. Four hours later, he walked in on us having sex in my bedroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 676
You deserved it 265 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why do parents think a ring will convince their dear daughter to keep her leg closed? it never works.

And that is why you don't do it in your parents' house.


He should have said "sure, you can have sex," then shown you pictures of what STDs can do to a person... that would probably have worked a lot better :)

xxXsexychickXxx 0

You're not even a member anymore, so it doesn't matter, but a purity ring vs. a marriage vow is completely different. Sounds like the father is a real asshole, too.

Well at least it lasted longer than Kim Kardashian's marriage……

Jerry jerry jerry jerry, nah but seriously, fives all around, nice

Froggirl14 0

He is trying to protect her from getting hurt. How is he an a*****e?

Here's an invaluable caveat of information: Don't get CAUGHT!!!!

clark929 4

It's terrible you did it where your dad can walk in on you, YDI for that. But, seriously, why do it just 4 hours later? That's stupid and obnoxious, and you're making yourself sound a bit slutty. I'm not saying you are a ****, though, I don't know you, obviously.