
By Anonymous - 30/10/2010 01:21 - United States

Today, I found out that my best friend lost her virginity to my father. Her excuse? She was drunk. His excuse? "She's hot." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 151
You deserved it 4 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

turtlemansam 6

She's not your best friend. she's your mom


fml3010 0
c8750 2

Why would this make OP a ******* ****?

JocelynKaulitz 28

that sucksss I wonder how u must feel when both are around you at the same time

can I have your dads address please, I feel I really need to high five him

just screw ur friends dad. just so she can how it feels. lol. does suk though.

I don't have a best friend. so mmmmm suk to u!

Oh. my. god. what is wrong with them? /: that's disgusting...

TheDrifter 23

If op's friend is 20 and her father 35-40 I fail to see the disgusting factor here. Women in their early 20s can be quite beautiful, and if ops father is still in good enough shape to attract tgem then no harm no foul. On the other hand, if she was 13... there are some serious issues with op's father.

I couldn't care less if I get thumbed down for this comment and buried. The feat you father accomplished is, deep down, every man's dream. 99% won't admit, 100% fantasize about it at least once.

who said ops dad is married? every guy wants to sleep with a younger woman at least once in his life. now the age of the younger woman varies the idea stays the same.

KrazyKatz3 26

Why would you fantasize about a girl the same age as your daughter???

Good God, man! Is this the fate that awaits me when I grow up? You're 100% sure? Then it must be true! I'm gonna go to Never Never Land.