
By Anonymous - 18/04/2009 21:12 - United States

Today, I was responsible for taking care of Hoppers, the rabbit belonging to my son's third grade class. Tomorrow my son returns Hoppers so the next student can care for him. That won't be happening because Hoppers hopped out my fifth story window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 744
You deserved it 15 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JustAndrew79 0
_apecakez 0

poor Hoppers. :( maybe, taxiderm him and return him? "YAY! Hoppers is back! why isn't he hopping?" ".. i don't know.."


epicfailkid 0

You know, I think he just landed and walked away just fine. And has a nice house and family in Texas. And is doing just fine without you and the 3rd graders, thank you very much.

instantfail 0

Buy a new bunny that looks just like him.

fortunecookie_fml 0

This post and comment #3 made my night.

#15. you got me in stiches. Call the teacher right away, and tell her you'll buy a bunny JUST LIKE Hoppers. Happened to my brother. Excpet it was a frog.

#35, not everyone's rabbit is like yours rabbit. Maybe Hoppers didn't know what a window was or maybe he had jumped out of one before, not just one on a 5th floor. #57 I agree with you. I don't understand people who laugh at these, but maybe that's just me. @ OP please use some common sense. If you have a rabbit roaming free in your apartment, don't keep the windows open or keep the animal in another room where there isn't anything dangerous to him/her. With animals, anything is possible. Whenever I open a window in a room so the air would change, I close the door so my cat couldn't sneak out on his own (he can't open doors, atleast yet) and I try to keep an eye on him. Even so, he once managed to escape, but this story ended in a happier manner; it was from a 1st floor and I caught him soon after. What I'm trying to say is, even when you're careful accidents do happen, but some precautions should always be taken, and - sad but true - there's tons of people who treat animals way too recklessly. We were given brains, there's nothing wrong in using them too. P.S. Don't try to buy a replacement. They _will_ know. They are kids and they (assumingly) loved that rabbit. TL;DR SUMMARY; omigawd a bunny died sob :'( ppl be careful w/ animals plz!


how will he have to return it tomorrow?? its sunday?!?!

AshlenDoll 0

Buy another one. Thats what they do on tv...