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By Anonymous - 18/04/2009 21:12 - United States

Today, I was responsible for taking care of Hoppers, the rabbit belonging to my son's third grade class. Tomorrow my son returns Hoppers so the next student can care for him. That won't be happening because Hoppers hopped out my fifth story window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 745
You deserved it 15 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JustAndrew79 0
_apecakez 0

poor Hoppers. :( maybe, taxiderm him and return him? "YAY! Hoppers is back! why isn't he hopping?" ".. i don't know.."


this made me day. thank you. may Hoppers be in a better place.


Glue and tape: $5 Googly Eyes: $0.75 The face of your son's 3rd grade teacher looking at her dead rabbit put together with glue and tape and some googly eyes:..........Priceless There are some things money can't buy, for everything else, there's

alwaysalady 0

My parents tried to replace our pets without our noticing. We did. You have to tell your son. And probably his class. And then buy another bunny.

laxitup 1

awwww poor little guy i sure hope there was nothing particularly striking about him if not, buy a new one!

Damn, that sucks. I had a friend one time and he was an asshole to his guinea pig. Well, one day it decided to gouge its eyes out and jump off the top of his cage to kill himself. XD Poor piggy, and Hoppers. :(

ohhsnapp 0

how the heck did he fall out the window? seriously? did u just like leave it open??? i dont really get that. but that does suck :[

I had a similar experience when I was in 3rd grade...our class had a pet parakeet and one weekend I got to take him home. However, the top of the cage was broken and the teacher hadn't gotten around to properly fixing it, so when I was carrying it back to the classroom, the roof came off and the bird got away. It sat in a tree for a while so my teacher's dad came to try and get it out of the tree but he was unsuccessful :( Not quite as tragic as yours, but I know what it's like nevertheless!

klutzywriter 0

lol #11: suicidal bunny? i guess hoppers wasn't a very happy hopper there

bubbles09y0 0

dont call the teacher!! go to the pet store and bye one EXACTLY like it!