
By Anonymous - 18/04/2009 21:12 - United States

Today, I was responsible for taking care of Hoppers, the rabbit belonging to my son's third grade class. Tomorrow my son returns Hoppers so the next student can care for him. That won't be happening because Hoppers hopped out my fifth story window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 739
You deserved it 15 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JustAndrew79 0
_apecakez 0

poor Hoppers. :( maybe, taxiderm him and return him? "YAY! Hoppers is back! why isn't he hopping?" ".. i don't know.."


Phoenixman13 0

Atleast you son didn't follow after Hoppers.

Guys, her kid is a third-grader. Not a retarded bunny rabbit or an especially bouncy neonate. Not having sufficient window protection to prevent rabbit-suicide does not mean that her 9 or 10-year-old child is in a lot of danger of falling out of it. Unless her kid really likes jumping towards vast, open windows. Then there may be problems.

@ 62: "Today, I was walking through my apartment building's parking lot, when all of a sudden I was hit in the head. I woke up 5 minutes later to see a dead bunny on the ground beside me. FML."

I think replacing someone's fish is the dictionary definition of no big deal. I mean, it a ******* fish. They're pretty much purely decorative. It would be like replacing a poster that got torn. They all look the same, you can't really train them to do anything, you can't develop a legitimate emotional attachment to one (and certainly not a reciprocal one), and they just drop dead for no reason. It wasn't the sitter's fault the fish died, in all likelihood. I mean, it could have been, but it could have died with or without her input. It was nice of her to replace him.

Wow, #16. Brilliant conclusion. No doubt, Hoppers was a super rabbit, nay, a BIONIC rabbit, capable of hopping from the ground up 2 1/2 / 3 feet up, and magically jump straight THROUGH a window, down 6 stories. One must, of course wonder, how such a wonder-Rabbit would not be capable of surviving such a fall. Or maybe you're just an absolute idiot.

That's disgusting. I hope you buy them a new one and explain what happened. Why didn't you pay more attention to him?