Sex ed is ******

By danmarino - 09/03/2009 23:29 - United States

Today, these kids in my math class told me to ask this girl if I could lick her clit. I basically yelled, "What's a clit?" Everyone looked at me. I'm a senior in high school, no one has yet to explain it to me. I had to Google it when I got home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 824
You deserved it 83 899

Same thing different taste

Taking pictures

By Anonymous - 05/12/2019 14:00

Today, I was teaching a high school calculus class. I wrote a complex formula on the board. As I wrote, students asked if they could take a picture of the board and circulate it. I said yes, and I was pleased as everybody seemed to be taking pictures. Soon, I realized why: my skirt was tucked into my underwear. Within a few minutes, every student in the school had an email with a picture of my ugliest pair of floral-printed panties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 238
You deserved it 482

Top comments


My friend's sister actually had a guy try and stick in her belly button. No lie.

nessalujin 0

srsly, in this day and age WITH THE INTERNET you can't go around not knowing this shit. keep your mouth shut in public (especially in friggin high school) when you don't get something ppl say, and then go home and GOOGLE. save your own reputation. that stuff lingers till graduation. also, how can you be on this website if you don't know the word clit? this site's got some nasty (and HILARIOUS) stories...

DinoJR 0

yah dude.....get laid, its fun, try it sometime

next time a situation like this arises, just say something like, "nah man hahah" and laugh it off. let it go and google when you get home!

basketballbabee 0

seriously...what IS a clit? i mean, sorry. I should know, my school is full of this stuff, but can somebody please tell me? lol.

lol, I dunno, some guys who even claim to know everything about female anatomy still fail to understand the difference between clit, ******, and labia. They seem to think all three are one in the same. One guy I knew even thought "clit" was a slang term for ****** -- and he was kind of a big manwhore, so. I don't understand.

DiSab 0

I pity the fool who don't know what a clit is. lol

I thought that health class was mandatory in like, elementary school?