Smooth sailing

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Puerto Rico

Today, I was messing around in computer class when somebody called my name from the hall. Trying to be smooth, I tried rolling my chair backwards out into the hall. The wheels wasted no time jamming and sending me crashing face-first into the floor in front of everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 318
You deserved it 27 374

Same thing different taste


Never try to be smooth... If you try to be smooth you're always doomed to fail.

TheFamilyElf 17

Especially if you're a member of the fml community. :P

yumyumpoptart 16

ah don't sweat it OP! just walk next time!

reddudeover 2

How... HOW is this karma?!?

Oh between, this reminded me when I was in school. We had this assembly of the groups together in a room. My group was usually allowed to leave the room first as we were always seated right in the front. Once when leaving the room I slipped... Had skirt on and was very visible and everyone in my year saw. Yep, embarrassing stuff happens mostly at school.

^ Shut up. I rather enjoyed her story.

#52 I'm sorry I bored you with my story but, I don't remember obligating you to read it. #55 Well, I'm glad at least someone enjoyed it. :D

So many pervy things i could say.... But i wont

Cowboy1986 4

I loved her story took hush it up bo

TheFamilyElf 17

"I meant to do that!" Rolling chairs are so deceptive. They seem all fun and exciting, like 'come on! Have a seat! Roll me! Spin! It'll be fun!;)' when really all they do is cause anguish and despair. Poor op simply fell victim to the trap.

Keith Stone impersonations...sometimes they fail

senorpapis 4

Anyone else think of Dr. Stein from Soul Eater when reading this?

senorpapis 4

Anyone else think of Dr. Stein from Soul Eater when reading this?

24 Yea me to don't worry your not the only one. I know about Stein and his BAMF chair moves two.

Yeah, lol, glad to see im not the only one^^