Smooth sailing

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Puerto Rico

Today, I was messing around in computer class when somebody called my name from the hall. Trying to be smooth, I tried rolling my chair backwards out into the hall. The wheels wasted no time jamming and sending me crashing face-first into the floor in front of everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 318
You deserved it 27 374

Same thing different taste


Your landing wasn't as smooth as you were trying to be.

trying to be smooth/funny/cool/sexy = instant YDI

Sidda92kid 1

your attempt at being a badass backfired

GeeUnit 8

Ugh, that happened to me once. Worst part was within two hours everyone seemed to be talking about it. >.<

mzrobinson 13

If you're rolling backwards, you'd fall back first not face first..

How did you roll backwards and land on your face?

What exactly is your definition smooth...?

6, I think you meant "smoothly" click ydi

Ok Thor, I know you are dopey but you can always reply the poster, btw I'm sad that although the actor is Australian he is probably that dumb in real life.