Smooth sailing

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Puerto Rico

Today, I was messing around in computer class when somebody called my name from the hall. Trying to be smooth, I tried rolling my chair backwards out into the hall. The wheels wasted no time jamming and sending me crashing face-first into the floor in front of everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 318
You deserved it 27 374

Same thing different taste


Nice job, champ. Better luck next time!

FMLemur 4

Everyone laughs, but what if he was in a wheelchair and he was referring to that? Eh?EH?!

You would have look REALLY bad-ass if you mastered the backwards chair roll.

How did you faceplant when you were rolling backwards in your chair? I call bullshit

RobertTheRock15 0

If you were trying to roll backwards you wouldn't fall on your face

I find that hilarious because my mom is reading that book & she's ADDICTED to it xD

If you rolled in your chair BACKWARDS how did you land face first? Smells like BS to me

Stop trying to be smooth, then. Less smooth, more craggy.