Smooth sailing

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Puerto Rico

Today, I was messing around in computer class when somebody called my name from the hall. Trying to be smooth, I tried rolling my chair backwards out into the hall. The wheels wasted no time jamming and sending me crashing face-first into the floor in front of everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 318
You deserved it 27 374

Same thing different taste


Why is it an fml, that shit happens all the time girls think its funny.

For a start, you were in a computer class.....

And...? What's wrong with that? We are living in an ever increasing technological world. Computers are very important. Never forget that.

pwnman 33

I don't get how people can be stupid and write this to get their reputation messed. YDI.

unknown_user5566 26

@ 44: The post was submitted by an anonymous user. In order for an individual's reputation to get "messed", as you so eloquently stated, said individual would first have to reveal themseleves, subsequently opening up their reputation to ridicule.

perdix 29

Trying to be smooth by mocking the handicapped? Serves you right.

Either a nasty coincidence or you are in my computer class xD

You were as smooth as The North Yungas Road (Road of Death) in Bolivia :)

Yeah I don't see the smoothness. Better luck next try

VaultDweller106 7

YDI for trying to be someone your not.