
By Anonymous - 20/01/2011 02:58 - United States

Today, I was in the cafeteria at a table near the guy I like. He was playing around with a ball with a couple of his friends. They dropped it, and it rolled over next to my foot. When I bent down to pick it up, I smashed my head against a chair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 706
You deserved it 5 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have sucked on the ball seductively afterward so they forget about you hitting your head


Bending over a little quickly, now aren't we?

Ooh harsh. I did the same exact thing before.

KaylieBieber13 0

oooh thy were playing with balls?????

phantumgrey 6

You turned him off forever by giving the table bad head

Suaria 38

Well that is one way to get his attention.

If he's cool he'll come over ask if you're ok and talk to you. If he's a douche he'll laugh with his friends in that case he's not worth your time.