So frustrating

By Anonymous - 13/12/2010 14:57 - United States

Today, I'm spending the night with the guy I've been interested in for a while. Instead of sleeping in the same bed together, he insists that I sleep in another room because he "doesn't want to be tempted to do anything." So, I'm alone, in my best lingerie, in his little brother's room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 598
You deserved it 8 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BelleElle_fml 5

Aw, what a gentleman. You've got a keeper, OP!


I love the double standard here. if OP had asked him to sleep in a different room so she wasn't tempted it would be ok, but because she wants to sleep with him and he's not ready she posts it on FML. Just because he's a guy doesn't mean he's only after only one thing OP. You should respect his wishes and maybe you could have spent some time ( that doesn't include doing the dirty) having fun together and getting to know one another, instead you're pouting on a website that a man doesn't want to objectify you. Obviously, you are looking for something different then he is, so save both of yourselves the drama and time and just go your separate ways. This is a big fat YDI because a lot of women out there would love to meet a man with those kinds of ideals and here you are whining about it.

for the large part, i agree, but just because she wanted to get laid doesn't mean she's a bad person. Maybe saying she deserved it is a little harsh.

I'm not saying she's a bad person for wanting to get laid. I'm saying she deserves to be sleeping in another room because he declined sex. I think she deserved it because if OP was a man most people would jump on him for assuming they were going to do it. She should have tried talking to him before she assumed sex was on the table, or even afterwards when he said no. maybe she could have tried to find out why he felt the way he did and respect his wishes.

austin1414 3

that little brother is gonna have an awesome night...

The point of not having sex with every hot piece of body you see is that it makes sex a precious gift, which you only give to those who you truly want to give something special. It is the effort put into a loving relationship that makes the reward worth it. And for me, the feeling that someone wants to give their body to me and nobody else is very touching.

agreed.. he actually wants a relationship and not sex. he's a keeper your not!

come over here I have a bed you can sleep next to me

You complaining that he wants to wait makes you sound a bit slutty.

rayquaza5000 4

In the brother's room with or without the brother? :P

awh. he is trying to be nice. give him a shot.