So frustrating

By Anonymous - 13/12/2010 14:57 - United States

Today, I'm spending the night with the guy I've been interested in for a while. Instead of sleeping in the same bed together, he insists that I sleep in another room because he "doesn't want to be tempted to do anything." So, I'm alone, in my best lingerie, in his little brother's room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 598
You deserved it 8 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BelleElle_fml 5

Aw, what a gentleman. You've got a keeper, OP!


now you look like a fool... ...wit ya pants on the ground. |the kid|

bubbarific 0
PrincessSarah24 0

Awwwh that's sweet! He's a keeper... Or he's gay n ur a cover up (: good luck

you can spend the night at someone of the opposite genders house (or have someone of the opposite gender spend the night at your house) without the intention of sexual activity. I and those I know do it all the time.

iliveinthesky_fml 0

I think he genuinely likes you an doesn't want to see you as another floozy.

collegegirl87 0

Those things doesn't change??

Erindub 0

Um if he still lives at home maybe you should move on anyways. Sounds like a winner

tsk tsk ***** these days get more desperate and slutier everyday