So frustrating

By Anonymous - 13/12/2010 14:57 - United States

Today, I'm spending the night with the guy I've been interested in for a while. Instead of sleeping in the same bed together, he insists that I sleep in another room because he "doesn't want to be tempted to do anything." So, I'm alone, in my best lingerie, in his little brother's room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 598
You deserved it 8 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BelleElle_fml 5

Aw, what a gentleman. You've got a keeper, OP!


If your gonna stay the you totally deserve it, quit whining about it and leave

sipher16 0

I don't get it. why are you mad? he is being a gentleman and your trying to disrupt his moral compass. you should learn from him and have patients.

TOL_fml 6

Christmas is a time of giving and recieving. He's giving you some respect, you should recieve it with some dignity. Merry Christmas, gosh!

mexipunker 0

Wait till he's asleep then go to his room and ravage him in his sleep. It will be the best "wet dream" he'll ever have.

Good on him for being a gentleman and treating sex with the respect it deserves.

What's so bad about that? He respects you and he does not see you as an object. Why? Do you like being used?

There could be a few reasons why he didn't sleep with you: He wanted to show respect He lives with his parents and didn't want to have sex while they're in the house or he just isn't that interested Don't make yourself so available op

all i can say is...he may be a dumbass! lol