Take the L

By Anonymous - 08/01/2016 17:38 - Canada - Newmarket

Today, I now accept how stupid I was to marry a man whose plans for the future all start with, "When I win the lottery…" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 567
You deserved it 9 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments


When he wins the lottery you ain't gonna get a dime with that attitude.

Start all your plans with "After my husband gets his future straightened out..."


That still means "there's a chance" to many people. Shouldn't base ANY future plans on actually winning, though!

Unless those future plans involve buying a coffee and a donut with the five bucks you won.

cheshireau 26

Those are the types of people who blow through winnings when they do win.

I'm sorry, but how? When I win the lottery, I'm going to invest it and use it to pay for schooling and get a proper education and use that to get a fantastic career. That sure sounds like blowing it to me. You made that assumption without enough knowledge on the subject.

Then she's obviously not talking about you? And it's a common thing when someone is given a huge sum of money that there is just disconnect causing people to spend willy-nilly.

Why are you even going to do all that? If you win the lottery (assuming you win the jackpot), you won't need all that!

When this thing happens that is more likely to never happen than to actually happen I am going to do all these things, I won't make any effort to do any of them until then...and you're stupid for making the assumption that this method of planning is a bad thing lol yeah good luck with that

I'm realistic. If I won a couple of millions or more I'd buy a 12gauge and a box of shells then spend the rest on strippers and blow. When I sobered up a year later and realized I'd blown all that money on strippers and blow, I'd have the shotgun to take care of my shame.

You see #29, you're the person who goes bankrupt after winning the lottery. On a side note, I do apologize for my previous comment, I was in a bad mood at the time.

Seriously? I mean maybe, i like squandering money myself but not that recklessly to let me end up broke...

Not likely, but whatever makes you feel better. And I wasn't referring to not investing. I was saying if you win the jackpot, you aren't likely to need to work at all.

cheshireau 26

I was insinuating and I shouldn't have. That's my fault. I've seen a few articles on families who have been torn because they have spent all their millions in winnings only to have to sell their cars and houses to make ends me because they didn't spend wisely.

Does he maybe buy too many tickets to win? Here are details missing, we need a follow up.

maybe you could make your own money? just a thought

Baron_Kaz 15

I am sure there are 2 sides to a story. If you are married you need to do your duty as a wife. Too many people have excuses for making things NoT work, how about making an effort?

And what the **** is the wife's "duty" exactly...?

You sound like enough of an asshole right now that I legitimately think you need punched.

I hope he was joking, or that he has a steady job at the very least. But I wonder if there's more to this story. Follow up, OP, please? What did he do or what ISN'T he doing? We must know!

Learn him the other formula: work+effort= guarranteed money

I think someone needs to TEACH you the better grammar.

Nope, you can say "learn him" instead of "teach him." It's ild fashioned but it works

You see 33, I might believe 21 meant to do that if he/she spelled guaranteed correctly.

This is why you shouldn't rely on a man to support you

Who said she was? In this day & age, more often than not, both persons in the relationship need to work and contribute to the household. Even more so if there are children involved.

Wait... This isn't an acceptable plan for my future? Well back to the drawing board I guess.

Well in your case you can always wait in a tower and wait for prince charming to rescue you by letting down your hair. Then you'll get his money!

Bet he's mad he can't get in on today's Powerball.