Testing testing

By frustrated - 01/06/2009 07:06 - Hong Kong

Today, I met my boyfriend in Hong Kong after being apart for almost 6 months. We got to our room and got right down to business. I was just about to come when a voice came over the PA system in the room. "This is just a fire alarm test, sorry for any inconvenience." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 144
You deserved it 5 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

johnnyub40 0

Agreed #5...get over it and get back to business.

iheartsnapple 0


You can now add the voice and image of a sexy fireman to your lovemaking for an even more intense ******.

Was the PA voice in English? How did you understand it?

I am sorry but I don't see the FML in this... [edit] #13 makes a good point...

oh yes sexy PA voice. uuuuuuuuuuuuugh *cums* now you'll get boners whenever there's a fire drill

#13 She probably lives there. At least that was how I read it.

Huh? Tests don't require you to leave the rooms?

I live in an apartment building, and I get them regularly, but we generally don't have to leave our apartment.

#13 apparently in your world, english speakers can never learn chinese.

kapowi 0

#13, stop being an idiot. Would you rather her keep it in the native language and have no one understand it? That's what I thought. EDIT: yeah, that sucks :/ I would hate to be interrupted like that xD

....So what? If it was a fire alarm, that would be annoying, but it was just a voice over the PA system. Get over it.