By Anonymous - 24/10/2012 09:21 - United States

Today, a cashier asked me if I would like to donate to breast cancer research. Since I have already made my donations this month, I politely declined. The cashier snorted and said, "Maybe you'll feel differently if someone you love got cancer." I'm a two-year survivor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 965
You deserved it 2 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kdog333 1

that sucks! she should feel horrible now!


One of the few times that flashing would actually help win an argument.

17- yep. There aren't many situations where it helps, but in a few it does. Also, whether or not it proves or disproves anything, it's guaranteed to shut anyone up.

TeahaIsAmazing 2

How would flashing prove a point?

73- if she survived breast cancer, she would be missing a breast.

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

Or at least have surgery scars.

I am assuming that 13 assumes everyone with breast cancer has had a mastectomy and therefore flashing the cashier would show that she is has had breast cancer. However not everyone with breast cancer has their breasts removed so flashing really might not help too much in this situation.

115 not all cancer patients have surgery either! Wtf do you people learn in school?!

zingline89 18

Ask him if he'd like to donate to your college education. When he politely declines, say "Maybe you'd feel differently if you had actually finished high school."

ugh i hope you told that smartmouth off. i would have said "yeah, me." And walk away. (btw congrats on being a survivor.)

damn_homie 2

Congrats on being a survivor! I hate when people make assumptions like that. I know she must feel horrible now, and she should

One time when I was a cashier, I asked someone if they wanted to donate to diabetes research and treatment. They donated, but when I gave them the little paper shoe they said with derision, "Oh, JUVENILE diabetes?" I was like, WTF? but after that I always made sure to specify that it was juvenile diabetes. Not really related to the FML, I know, but I thought some people might get a kick out of that story.

I hate when people think/say things like that about people who don't donate money to a cause. Some people already donate on their own, or don't have enough money to do so. I have cancer too, but I don't pressure others to pay for me to be cured. I think that if you feel the need to donate, you should do it, but if you don't want to, you shouldn't be pressured or criticized for choosing not to.

catanita 18

Did you tell him that? You shoud have made him appologize and file a complaint about his rude behaviour. His job is to sell things no to take donations. A donation is something optional.

mhopper 13

I just don't understand why some people can't donate a dollar. People will line up and spend much more than that for lottery tickets and cigarettes, but won't donate to something that will help a cause. That comment was uncalled for, though.

Maybe that dollar is all they have left. And how do you know what else they buy? I don't buy cigarettes or lottery tickets, but I still dont donate to everyone who asks. If I gave "just a dollar" to all of them, it would add up to a lot. Just saying. I donate only to causes that I connect with and even then, only if I can afford it and feel like it. If the person asking is rude, I won't.

I agree with 35. I hardly ever give money to charity in a store. I'd rather first check if the money actually goes to the people and not the CEO of an organization (when it's an unknown organization to me). I do tend to donate money when well-known organizations are collecting money on the street or when they are at my door. But only if it's a cause I think is important.

I was asked to donate today and politely declined. The guy then said the same as you - 'don't you even have a pound? just a pound will do' and I said 'if I had a pound then I would've spent it on lunch today instead of going hungry again' (which is completely true) to which he shut his stupid mouth. I hate it when people try and guilt me into donating money I don't have.

It might only be a dollar to you but it could be an entire days worth of food for someone else. Some people need to clean up their own backyard first before they criticize others. Maybe u could donate an extra dollar so those that can't don't have to feel guilty or embarrassed because they can't afford it!

mhopper 13

People completely missed my point. If people have money to waste on things that are harmful/far reach for them, why is a dollar considered "breaking the bank"?!?! I once saw an old lady argue over the price of bananas and then proceed to buy $20 worth of lottery tickets.

That's a whole other story. People who spend money on booze, cigarettes and cable tv because they view them as 'necessities' often have other areas they should be putting their money towards before they consider charities such as getting a job, getting out of debt or bothering to buy proper food and clothes for their kids. They're colossal douchebags/people who need a lot of help. It annoys me too but their best option is to save their money and sort their own lives out rather than giving money away to charity.

If you read what OP said properly she CLEARLY stated she'd already made her MONTHLY donations. Some people have other priorities. If you are so worried about it go make a donation for all of us and every person who can't afford 'a dollar' to donate.

mhopper 13

199. Not that I'm overly concerned with people's monetary donations and priorities, I'm just concerned with how selfish people are. I donate as much as possible. Time, money, and food. It's not all about money.

chatwithstar 7

Wow, even if you weren't a two year survivor, the cashier still shouldn't have said that.