By -__-" - 29/09/2013 05:45 - United States - Vancouver

Today, a stranger pulled me out of the path of a speeding taxicab. He then took one look at my face, said, "I should've left you there", and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 567
You deserved it 4 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow what on earth would make somebody say something like that? That's horrible. At least he saved you though! Glad you're ok OP :)

Ouch. Well, would've hurt more if he had left you.


I cannot help but wonder why a person would do that. I feel that there is more to the story. Was the person who saved you a class A jerk, or do you have a "Meth face" and the person was just a plain jerk?

Maybe in his mind he imagined saving an unrealistically beautiful woman from the evil taxi and they'd get married and live happily ever after. Like in a fairy tale or Super Mario Bros. But when he saw her face, it all went to shambles and he was a dick.

threer 30

Why do you assume OP is female? Just because 'she' needed saving? Don't make assumptions, they make the crazies attack.

Look on the bright side OP, you are still alive!!

BriCx 8
150493x 29

Just be thankful that you're not hurt, OP. Hopefully the next knight in shining armour isn't a douche.

Really? I don't think so. No one would say something like that. Especially not someone who would go out of their way to save a stranger.

So you're saying the OP is lying and made this up to get on Fml?

perdix 29

He feels bad because he interfered with natural selection.

Hey while sucks that he said that, at least you didn't get run over! Gotta think positive(: