By fatflabbyfail - 20/02/2010 06:09 - United States

Today, after having my bath, I realised that I've gotten so fat that I have to lift up my butt cheeks in order to dry underneath them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 155
You deserved it 42 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tikwichka 5

Ugh, now there's an image I don't want in my head!

Just make sure you're not the one in walmart with short shorts.


iSwag 0

off subject, since everyone is going to say the same thing...what does FTW mean?

iSwag 0

lmao!! I'm glad I'm by myself because I can't stop laughing lol nice 16...nice

ringmybell_fml 0

feed the walrus yea, ftw, i know. >.>

ccontente 0

fhuck the what? like what the ****..

it means "For The Win" and it also means "**** The World". and it depends on how you use it.

sourgirl101 28

#16 Let me king you! Hands down the funniest thing I ever read on FML. thanks!!!

dragonite6935 0
girlygirl666 0

LOL @ 16!!! That's one of the best lines I've ever heard on here!! FTW, hahahah

laurennnnnlovesy 6

yeah, I sort of hope this is a warning sign. a big, red klaxon that says lose some weight.

There should have been a warning sign a LONG time ago. :

lose weight. tone your ass. eat in moderation.

yeaaa, agreed! If you don't like it, go to the gym, eat smaller portions and cut out candy and soda. You would be surprised how much weight you lose by cutting out soda from your diet! Also, the reebok easytone sneakers work pretty well on toning your butt and thighs! I love them! I've definatley seen a diference since I've gotten them :D

Sun_Kissed18 25

Completely agree! My boyfriend just stopped eating at much and started only drinking water and he lost 30 lbs in a couple months. Its very possible and easier than you think, you just have to commit. And I'm sorry but those shoes may work, but they are the more stupid things I have ever seen. They look ridiculous, but hey, as long as they work, right?

Who wants to pay $100 for sneakers you can only walk in? They don't recommend jogging or running or any other type of exercise b/c it's very easy to injure yourself with the balance ball soles.

RedSnappah 0

How about instead of complaining about it, you go for a run? Cuz sitting in front of a computer obvioulsy won't help

YDI for being a fat lazyfuck and let yourself get to be like that. totally agree with #1