By ashlee - 31/08/2010 18:07 - United States

Today, after my husband's phone buzzed like crazy all morning, I decided to pick it up and see what all the fuss was about. He had three new picture messages from his "boss", naked and strapped to a chair with the caption, "Are you still coming over tonight?" We've been married for nine years and have two children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 517
You deserved it 4 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontTouchMe1548 0
ChristyCarnegie 0

Wow! Text her back and say, "Are you planning to breathe tonight *****" Omg I hope your husband gets major karma and his 'Boss' too.


I know this doesn't change the fact that cheating is wrong but OP never said if it was a man or woman? I'm guessing woman bc otherwise OP wouldn't have said "married with kids". That sucks and is sick on so many levels. I mean, I know how it feels to be cheated on, as my husband cheated on me whilst we were married...but at least I didn't see PICTURES...mentally, I think that would've f'd me up...OP, RUN! Before it's too late. :-(

zinsi 0

u dumb?the op is a women...lear to read!! "after my HUSBANDS..." even i got it and english is not even my first language

"It" referred to the boss, not the OP. I'll ignore the other mistakes because of the ESL thing.

ulovemelongtime 0

wow what douchebag..time to divorce his ass!

Independantlove 0

uuuhhhmmm..... 3 things here: 1. ouch OP that really bites 2. I say you like stay up until he gets home n be like "where u been hunny?" then he'd be all lying and u could be like "that's not what your phone said earlier" *bitch slap to the face with an accompanying crotch kick* 3. I smell divorce papers in your future and that's a good thing. I'd NEVER put up with that. ever. god bless OP. I'll be praying for you and your very dumb husband.

Braden1_fml 0

Ydi for being fat and not putting out enough

OMG! I would rather die than date you. You should go to hell as well as her husband because you're just as bad if not worse, asshole.

samicna 4

this isn't a fyl. this is a fhl! report his boss for sexual harassment