By anonymaiacciu - 22/12/2012 01:16 - France

Today, after sharing my first night in bed with my boyfriend, I woke up early, and decided to rouse him with some surprise oral. It didn't go so well; he woke up screaming and gasped, "OH MY GOD! I thought you were my cat!" before telling me to continue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 815
You deserved it 8 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hockeychicl003 6

maybe your mustache felt like whiskers

Wait so does that mean his cat gives him oral?


I honestly just threw up a little. I really have to stop reading FML on a full stomach.

LO388 7

So he thought he was getting pussy instead?

LO388 7

Sorry, those "jokes" are awful and unoriginal, I know...

Dude don't apologize, that joke was pretty damn funny.

What does his cat do to him? And visa-versa.

Quest_ 13

I don't want to be one of those WUT THIS ISNT AN FML chumps but I really don't see the problem here. You said it was your first time doing that to your biff so it's not something he's come to expect. He was rightfully shocked and freaked out when he thought his cat decided to lick his genitalz. He realized it was you and asked you to continue. What exactly is the issue? :P

perdix 29

So, do you have a sandpaper tongue? Ask your doctor if they make something like Chap-Stick for rough, chapped tongues.

Either that or OP was treating his dick like a scratching post.

Sir_ND_Pity 35

Let's hope It doesn't run in OP's family. I heard doctors don't like those and dismiss them as "unprofessional"

That's what I thought rough tongue or she's just doing it wrong... Had my cat try to clean my face I don't know what his cats been cleaning.....

Oh I can see so many bad jokes coming it hurts ._. But on a more serious note, my cat has the habit of waking my boyfriend up by walking his legs up, continuing to his torso, meowing at his face, then walking down and up his body until he puts him down or gets up, so seeing as op boyfriend hasn't gotten any action lately (I suposse?) he could've easily mistaken "something repeatedly touching" his body for his cat in case his has a similar habit since you can't really distinguish what kind of "touch" it is until you're fully awake. You sometimes even see images from your dreams for a couple of minutes.

chinchily 12

I completely agree and ik this is probably not logical but when I read it I thought of one of those cat toys that stand up, then they hit it down an it comes up... Not really sure if that's possible but that's what I thought of

Lionesse 15

He's getting pussy either way. It's a win-win for him.

TellMeWhatsDeath 14
Stormdriven37 6

This comment was bad, and you should feel bad.

TellMeWhatsDeath 14