By anonymaiacciu - 22/12/2012 01:16 - France

Today, after sharing my first night in bed with my boyfriend, I woke up early, and decided to rouse him with some surprise oral. It didn't go so well; he woke up screaming and gasped, "OH MY GOD! I thought you were my cat!" before telling me to continue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 797
You deserved it 8 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hockeychicl003 6

maybe your mustache felt like whiskers

Wait so does that mean his cat gives him oral?


I hope OP was just having a strange dream and his cat doesn't do this on a regular basis.

barefootchic 6

Lets be realistic, I feel like it could have startled anyone. He did want you to go on at least?

Obey_StudBoii 23

I would love it if my gurl woke me up like that lol.

KM96 24

Ummm here's hoping his cat hasn't done it previously ....