By Anonymous - 27/08/2013 18:39 - United States - East Northport

Today, at soccer tryouts, the coach made us run the entire practice. I ran the whole two hours ahead of everyone. When the tryout ended, I vomited due to dehydration. I didn't make the team. The coach's reasoning: "Only the weak throw up". FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 982
You deserved it 5 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_9th_Doctor 18
Wizardo 33

That's such horseshit, appeal to one of the other coaches since there are normally more than one. That actually shows you have the best fitness there, yes I am a fellow football player, carry on.


kokoroddd 2

Well, YDI for being dehydrated. Shoulda drank some water beforehand maybe that way you would have made the team. And yes throwing up is for lightweight weaklings.

First off, what a stupid way to organise a soccer team. The coach went full retard when he decided the guy who performed best in his only mode of assessment was not fit for the team.

Suaria 38

OP I know your pain. I do cross country which is hell especially if you are dehydrated.

I would say something!!! Talk to him again! Explain that only the HARDEST workers throw up after! (From working out, not like eating or stuff) you pushed your body so much that it made you physically ill. We had a guy that would throw up after EVERY practice and run in Track and he won like 90% of his races! He was so good!