By Pain - 28/06/2010 23:37 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my cigarette down my shirt. There are now two unsightly, painful burns right in the center of my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 001
You deserved it 72 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11
keekah 0

Ydi. Don't smoke. It kills you.


Grammar_Police 0

In Soviet Russia, cigarette burn YOU! ppl need to learn how to do soviet russia jokes

207, you look like this girl I used to know a couple summers ago :p

superbadd 0

In Soviet Russia, 218 is an asshat. Those jokes are only funny on rare occasions when the converse makes sense.

cheergirly16 0

Asshat, that's a new one lol

Grammar_Police 0

actually, soviet russia jokes arent supposed to make sense. its supposed to be the opposite of what would make sense. and i put the wrong word in mine, i meant to say drop instead of burn

Brebre71994 0

ok for everybody that called him stupid for not using sunblock..y would he put on sunblock jus for smoking a cigarette? u stupid for suggestin it....but he should stop smoking

Ah, nothing like the sweet taste of carcinogens, tar, and who knows what else mutating your cells and causing them to replicate out of control.

and comments like yours kill brain cells

omgiitsme03 0

that's what you get for smoking!