By Pain - 28/06/2010 23:37 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my cigarette down my shirt. There are now two unsightly, painful burns right in the center of my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 001
You deserved it 72 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11
keekah 0

Ydi. Don't smoke. It kills you.


I hope you're reaction wasn't like "****! now I have to smoke another cig." ;] Dont smoke love.

That sucks! But I see where you are coming from... I dropped a match down my shirt just seconds after blowing it out.. there has been a scare at the top of my boobs that looks like a hickey for 4 years! -_- NOT FUN AT ALL!!

Fuckme19 0

YDI for smoking. your fault. just killing yourself OP.

HAHAHAHHA well an extra pair of nipples can come in handly hahaha!!!

ShitYourDickhole 0

Actually,I've tried smoking cigarrates. And it's nastyyy. I don't even see why people do it...all it does is leave a nasty taste and blacken your lungs. >_< So,drop those cigarrates and grab a 40 oz,or a blunt,at least you can enjoy hurting yourself. ;P

well some cigarettes are flavored, so it just depend on what kind of cigarettes you've had. But I agree with you they are not healthy, and you shouldn't be smoking cigarettes. Anyway I also totally agree with the last part of your sentence :]

Marijuana actually contains more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco. So grabbing a blunt would actually make her situation worse.

ew, at least smoking doesnt destroy you´re will or you´re thoughts.

Raleigh_bruh 7

I totally agree with the last part of your comment

264 your hiiiiiiiighly mistaken marijuana isnt bad for you!!! and if you actually believe that reefer madness crap then your the dumbest person here! there have been no weed related deaths ever! in the history of earth. and that killing braincell stuff is all a lie. watch this documentary, its called "the union: the business behind getting high" watch it now and then come back and reply

don't smoke r u girl though Clyde that would suck when u were getting freaky and he grabs your boobs

SMOKING ROCKS!!!!! yeah, it kills, but you will live a short and very happy life, im a smoker myself, thats why I know smoking is great if you dont like it, it´s cuz you´ve never tried it

If you're going to smoke, don't waste your time with tobacco. Plenty of more fun, less addictive substances out there. Salvia for instance :)

I would prefer my brain to my lungs, plus smoking is sexy. BTW, i think potheads suck they´re boring.

Salvia is a trip drug.. it actually stimulates parts of the brain that don't normally get used. Similiar to mushrooms, but the trip doesn't last as long.. and it's legal in most states.

Is it possible for you to kill yourself a little bit faster?

aah salvia...good times good times. I agree with #273

okay, well maybe you´re right there, but still nicotine gives you this peace that doesnt exist, plus it´s handy and you can smoke it anywhere!! and if im honest, i guess trip drugs scare me a little, never tried any.

Yeah, 274 "freeze" i could stick a needle full of heroine in my vains, but i like cigs,they make me happy, any problems with that???

It's fun, if you're in a peaceful place it can be very artsy and relaxing.

Motherfucking shit. I'm going to have to make a new picture explaining how to use quotation marks now.