By Tommy - 06/03/2012 18:55 - United States

Today, I approached the girl I like, hoping to ask her out. Just as I strode up to her, she excused herself as quickly as she could. I then realized I'd forgotten to zip up my pants after going to the bathroom minutes before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 776
You deserved it 23 375

Same thing different taste


At least she bothered to look at your junk

You released The Kraken unaware of its power? Oh well, you'll know better next time!

I'm guessing she walked away because he had an erection from thinking about her.

maxamus951852 3

Having ur fly down isnt tht bad, or atleast isnt bad enough to make a girl just walk away.. there was another reason she didnt want to say one word to you lmao sorry OP

thisismyhead 25

That doesn't really seem like a big enough issue for her to feel like she needs to walk away..