By Nile - 08/12/2015 17:21 - Netherlands - Amsterdam

Today, I asked my girlfriend to marry me. She said no because she doesn't want to be tied down for the rest of her life. We already have 3 children, a mortgage, and joint bank accounts. How much more tied down could we possibly get? FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 927
You deserved it 2 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe that's her way of saying she might want out soon.. Watch out OP.

Maybe she should of made that clear before creating a family and life with you? Just a thought.


That stinks OP, maybe ask her what she's talking about.

If OP feels that they're already as tied down as they can be then why do they need a marriage in the first place? Some people just feel the concept of marriage to be suffocating regardless of who it's with and don't mean it as 'I'm not all that committed to this relationship'. My family has always had a bad time with marriage so it's been in my head since I was little that marriage only creates another hurdle if you want to leave a bad relationship. It's just a ring and some papers after all and isn't worth the benefit of 'feeling connected' or whatever...

It's also not just a ring for a lot of people. I know in my family it isn't even a political one. It's a spiritual/religious affair.

Sorry to hear that. Maybe she's not the one for you.

Well that would really suck, considering...

Sounds like she might be planning an exit. I'd get my own checking account ASAP

This might be a sign that she could be cheating..

I have family members who will never get married even if they have kids with someone because their past spouses were abusive (or they witnessed it as children with their own parents, step parents, etc.) to them (not to the kids but to the adults) and have decided that it is safer to not be married because of that reason. It could be that she experienced that growing up and now thinks that "marriage = abuse" even if they have known the person forever (it happened to people I know).

dafluckster 6

Should have thought about that before living life together as though you already were married...

Ever hear about putting the cart before the horse? YDI.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

It's all mental op.. marriage feels more tied down. .

Didn't have time to edit damn it. People don't understand. If his girlfriend needs medical attention, or is in the hospital they can deny him entrance. And more than likely her parents will be the ones to make medical decisions. This is a major reason why I wanted gays to be able to be legally married. No couple should have to go through that.