By John - 30/06/2011 08:18 - United States

Today, I began to walk across the street when I saw a very familiar old lady struggle across it. I walked over to help her, and only after she had blown her rape whistle and socked me in the nuts did she realize I was her grandson. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 370
You deserved it 3 605

Same thing different taste


textwork 4

yell surprise next time so its not rape!! :P

People who repeat old, unfunny jokes that have been going around for ages make me wary of leaving the house.

That would probably get John a hit from his grandma's purse....

19 his other speciality is greatgrandmas... or should I say great grandmas?

helper420 0

what did they tell you about approaching people with your rape face on?

nice grandma is she a cop? or something?

SupEr_JaY 4

how can you not know what your grandma looks like?

blackmanfh 2

he did. it was her who didn't realise... clever you.

katieklein 0

she sounds like a very nice lady.

Omgpwned1234 0

Now thats a hell of a story to tell at Christmas.