By John - 30/06/2011 08:18 - United States

Today, I began to walk across the street when I saw a very familiar old lady struggle across it. I walked over to help her, and only after she had blown her rape whistle and socked me in the nuts did she realize I was her grandson. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 370
You deserved it 3 605

Same thing different taste


Yeah I know. Everyone has those aww **** moments.

94 - I think that was much more than a mere "aww ****" moment. Much, much more.

LMAO does she do this a lot? does she have wrinkles? does she carry peoper spray with her? is she short? if u said yes to these questions she has OLD or Old Lady Disease

there is one thing fundamentally wrong with your comment: it's not humorous. also, concocting an acronym from one of the words that is supposed to be a part of said acronym negates its usefulness, no? |the kid|

bzett 0

she has a RAPE whistle? you my friend have an epic grandmother....

LOL rape whistle? granny nobody wants your goodies anymore calm yo **** woman lol

This is an example of a good way to tell a fml story.

jusgirl08 0

well at least you know she can handle herself if anyone ever tries to mug her. ha

metalmafia 0

watch out its ninja grandma XD