By John - 30/06/2011 08:18 - United States

Today, I began to walk across the street when I saw a very familiar old lady struggle across it. I walked over to help her, and only after she had blown her rape whistle and socked me in the nuts did she realize I was her grandson. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 370
You deserved it 3 605

Same thing different taste


nah sassy... you really shouldnt have said anything mate

TalkinSmack 6

the punch in your junk just reaffirmed that she doesn't want great grandkids from u!

SupEr_JaY 4

75-then why didnt he call her before just running up outa no where if he knew exactly who she was

That's rough, but your grandmother sounds hardcore! :D

Mr_Darkside 5

damn don't mess with grandma cause you'll get your nuts busted!

elfuin 0

grandma with a rape whistle....

perdix 29

No means no, you GILF-raping punk! If you are so horny, spank it to free Internet **** and leave Granny be.