By backstabbed - 29/10/2011 07:22 - Australia

Today, I caught my best friend in bed with my current boyfriend. Apparently watching movies naked is "the new in thing". FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 585
You deserved it 3 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It goes to show you that sometimes you can't even trust those close to you. I hope you find someone better :)


at least it wasn`t watching the movie with another guy naked lol

Nothing says trendy like genital mutilation!

JinxosGirl87 0

Didn't they know that igniting the bed that your naked BF and best friend are lying in is the new trend? It's called getting rid of the evidence. ;)

thallpma08 4
lmaoatall 6

Getting revenge should be pretty easy here! Invite a few of his male friends over for a fright night movie marathon. If he complains about it, just tell him you want to be popular and want to try " the new in thing" too!

Mayjay122 7

" ohhh really? So i'm guessing you two are the trend setters for this? Because i didn't get the memo that this 'trend' also involves my now known to be ex boyfriend stcking his small dick into my ***** of a ex bestfriend's std infested ******!".

Mayjay122 7

*sticking. Srry i'm terrible at typing on my touchscreen phone still lol

SkardeyKat 3

I seriously hope you kicked both of their asses. Your "best friend" needs a good bitch slapping and your "boyfriend" needs a square kick in the jewels.

kathy15 0

What are yew country? XD but I agree!