By Anonymous - 28/05/2013 16:51 - United States - Ozark

Today, I confessed to my girlfriend that I cheated on her. She told me that she needed time to think, and left. An hour later, her dad came by with a baseball bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 223
You deserved it 146 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't really think we would sympathise...


**** your life? You ****** HER life, asshole

katynoel 7

Ydi for cheating, but serious points for honesty.

OP, you ****** up big time, but if this dad caused any damage press charges.

Strange how many people think it's ok to threaten others with a baseball bat. It's not "Did OP do something wrong," it's did OP deserve it.

ohioain 18

Ha. You deserved that one OP. my mom said she'd kill my boyfriend if he cheated on me. It's good to have someone there in case this kind of thing happens.(;

LoneBooker88 16

sounds like something my dad would do.....but he wouldn't be trying to scare you; he'd actaully beat you until your half dead and then beat you all over again and I wouldn't complain because you'd deserve it.

RealtreeGirl23 9

At least it wasn't a shotgun.... That is what would have happened if you cheated on me. Screw callin my dad, my 12 gauge would be shoved up your ass. Just like my boot.