By Checkless chick - 08/05/2013 22:21 - United States

Today, I decided I would try this feature on my banking app which lets me deposit checks by sending a picture of it. The instructions say to rip the check after depositing. The deposit didn't work and now I've got a ripped up paycheck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 114
You deserved it 54 488

Same thing different taste

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So we all know to rip the check after CONFIRMING the deposit was made. Thanks, FML.

Haha, checkmate. Banking app 1 Customer 0


Just ask for a new check. Hopefully where ever sent you it can reissue a new one.

melissad_25 4

My app says to retain the check for 90 days before destroying it. Boo for you :(

Tbh, I don't think I'd rip up the check EVER, I'd just stash it with all my bank stuff. Makes no difference to the bank and you never know when you need those types of things. Based on all the letters and stuff that say so, I think the general rule of banking is 'whenever possibile, keep for records'.

Here's a crazy idea, try confirming that the deposit went through before ripping up the check, hmmm? Man, some people are dumber than a bucket of gravel.

That's a bit harsh to call OP that. It was a mistake, which I'm sure He/She learned from.

#46 Just saw that show and died of laughter. But no, not all even if this does fortify the stereotype.

Its so Ironic that you're from the USA.

...Why is it ironic? Is it because you're from Bulgaria instead of America?

Because all of us 'Muricans are stupid? Way to blindly believe a stereotype.

Exactly. That's why I feel like shows like Honey Boo Boo should be canceled. My sister has this friend who's from Venezuela and the friend said that in her village they watched that redneck show and now all of em think that all Americans sound like them and act like them. Sucks that people from other countries group us all in the same category.

Heh, sure why not, if you want to be angry about it. Just don't take it too seriously.

#43 I think you better ask #36 he seems to know more about AMURIKA than me. But if you really want stereotypes all countries have them. You are not really that special. (Chill a little)

It's just a personal pet peeve when people make jokes about stereotypes.

Lol 48, I'm not angry. I'm just stating my opinion. I didn't mean to come across as being angry

What's funny is that AMURICA still uses checks :D They probably wait for Apple to "invent" wire transfer :D

We do have wire transfer... Maybe you should check first before you make such comments like that. You know, for the future.

Alot of countries still use cheques. We still use them here in Australia. And internet banking has been available for years! Whats so funny about that? Dumbass

Lol you should know that using apps like that is well , shit.....

When it comes to hard earned money, the traditional way is the best way. Plus I've never liked the idea of a picture with personal information being sent via phone. It could easily be stolen or used to hack.

XxTaliaxX 16

My thoughts on the matter. -Stupid! -people rely on apps for everything. -That sounds like a scam to me.

if you think about it, americas arent that stupid, who else come up can with an idea of suing fat food companies for making them fat get make mad money out of the lawsuit? people from other countries would just think it's their fault for eating fatty food and nothing.

AnnaMariaMc 8

Learn English before trying to diss Americans. Google translate doesn't always work ;)

Im trying to think very hard on what youre trying to communicate here champ. Thats not just an American thing. That happens everywhere, all over the world. I can think of many tight arse races of people who will try anything to get something for nothing. I would love to know where you come from mate.