By missgayle319 - 15/03/2012 07:53 - United States

 Today, I decided to finally try out the veggie slicer I bought a few months ago to make healthy homemade potato chips. Along with the sliced potatoes, I am now missing about a quarter inch chunk of skin from the side of my hand and quite a bit of blood. At least the chips were good. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 285
You deserved it 13 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I understand you're trying to lose weight, but lopping off a bit of your hand is NOT part of the DocBastard Healthy Weight Loss Plan.


Human, the other, other white meat! Taste like chicken?

I understand you're trying to lose weight, but lopping off a bit of your hand is NOT part of the DocBastard Healthy Weight Loss Plan.

phoenixslayer69 4

May I ask what comes after the lobotomy doc? I am unsure if this plan you put me On is working.

thiscrazything 1

Maybe it was to compensate for eating the deep fried potatoes. That way OP comes out even.

It's actually snorting 5 lines of cocaine as anesthetic and then getting DocBastard to cut off all your arms and legs, plus a portion of your brain.

I suppose you thought the blood was ketchup 2?

My mom did the same thing a couple days ago. Weird.

It's always best after you add a little blood sweat & tears. As for actually hunks of flesh... I got nothing.

perdix 29

1. Homemade chips aren't healthy. They're at least as greasy as factory-made chips. 2. You've taken the first step toward cannibalism.

Actually you can do potato chips in the microwave without any oil. Then they're certainly healthier.

So thats the new trendy flavor! Yum...LAWL

How you've worded it makes it sound like you picked out your bloody bit of finger and continued to cook those potatoes. I hope this is not what you did.

Vampierjazz2010 0

Hope u didnt make salt and vinegar chips.