By Lyn - 06/07/2012 22:14 - France

Today, I discovered that I'm adopted. How? After a great lunch, I asked my uncle how he'd made the salad dressing. He replied, "Haha! It's a secret family recipe, my dear!" I wouldn't have thought twice about it, were it not for my parents' shocked expressions, and the long, awkward silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 259
You deserved it 2 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

If I ever adopted children, I wouldn't hide it from them until they were that old :( I'd make sure they knew as they were growing up that I had chosen to raise them, even though I wasn't their biological mommy, because I loved them. I'm sorry you had to find out at your age, OP. I know you must have been very upset.

SweetSora 2

That's a sucky way to find out...


calvo_07 13

Many people are LDA--Late Discovery Adoptees---for some reason the people who you trusted the most felt the need to lie to you about your very existence. Shameful. Adoptees are treated like second class citizens and denied their civil rights in those states where we are not allowed to have our original birth certificates. This has become an even bigger problem since 9/11 and the stricter requirements for obtaining passports. Some adoptees can not obtain a passport without great difficulty if their amended birth certificate was issued over a year past birth or does not list the hospital. There are many people like me, Search Angels, that help adoptees locate their biological families. There are groups for LDAs and support group for adoptees. Welcome to the family!

I don't get how this means you're adopted! I have secret recipes that I'm not ready to give to my kids yet!

linkinpark98 23

Parents who foster adopted children shouldn't wait so long to tell them the truth. The longer you wait, the more it hurts.

so how does it feel being second string?

KiddNYC1O 20

I'm guessing not so great. Especially if it's been in the shadows for so long.

I_dont_exist 5

that's gonna be an awkward Thanksgiving

ILuv_toaster182 5

It seems you don't get alot of things..

How old r u? Anyway u had u know sooner or later

Geez, my parents told me when I was 5!

Why did your parents make a big deal? My family says stuff like that to me all the time. It's a secret in the family too.