By Lyn - 06/07/2012 22:14 - France

Today, I discovered that I'm adopted. How? After a great lunch, I asked my uncle how he'd made the salad dressing. He replied, "Haha! It's a secret family recipe, my dear!" I wouldn't have thought twice about it, were it not for my parents' shocked expressions, and the long, awkward silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 259
You deserved it 2 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

If I ever adopted children, I wouldn't hide it from them until they were that old :( I'd make sure they knew as they were growing up that I had chosen to raise them, even though I wasn't their biological mommy, because I loved them. I'm sorry you had to find out at your age, OP. I know you must have been very upset.

SweetSora 2

That's a sucky way to find out...


NeedSomeLogic 7

Its not a secert anymore get the recipe and feel part of the family dont let this bun you down make the most of it. Good Luck OP

MasterTron 24

I think he was just messing with you lol

As one who wants to adopt even though I should be able to have biological kids (untested as yet) look at it another way - your parents are people who believe every kid should be loved. Not all people think like that.Course your parents and uncle could be running the best scam of the year.

My biology teacher told us a story how his entire class found out one of the students was adopted during a blood type lesson, when they realized the student's blood type was incompatible with that of her "parents." Either that or her mom had an affair!

Who cares. Life goes on. Don't let it stop just because someone selected to love an nurture you for the rest of their lives.

I can't understand why some parents will go through great lengths to hide the fact that they adopted a child. The longer they keep the secret the worse it is. I believe that persons who have been adopted can/will understand at a fairly early age and should be told.

hewro_failure 11

Wow that sucks and even worse that your uncle was such a dick as to not think you are family cause adoption means you become part of the family... Family is those who care for you and love you unconditionally ... Not by the blood that flows through your veins so you need to tell you uncle off and that that was an extremely dick move

That's a fake! It's actually the exact translation of a VDM (a French FML). Buy yourself imagination!

It says it at the top. Its just an FML (or VDM) that the staff have picked out from the French site and translated it so English speakers can read it.