By Lyn - 06/07/2012 22:14 - France

Today, I discovered that I'm adopted. How? After a great lunch, I asked my uncle how he'd made the salad dressing. He replied, "Haha! It's a secret family recipe, my dear!" I wouldn't have thought twice about it, were it not for my parents' shocked expressions, and the long, awkward silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 259
You deserved it 2 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

If I ever adopted children, I wouldn't hide it from them until they were that old :( I'd make sure they knew as they were growing up that I had chosen to raise them, even though I wasn't their biological mommy, because I loved them. I'm sorry you had to find out at your age, OP. I know you must have been very upset.

SweetSora 2

That's a sucky way to find out...


Guess your uncle doesn't consider you family. :/ Sorry OP.

zeffra13 31

I hate people who don't consider adopted kids a true part of the family. Not only did you find out you're adopted, but your uncle doesn't think of himself as your uncle. Sorry OP.

I don't know which is worse, the fact you learned it like that or that they don't consider you family, I'm sorry.

Well it's not like it matters. So what if you didn't come form their sperm and egg? Does it matter? It doesn't. Parents are the people that raise you. All that biological bullshit doesn't matter.