By Mandoune - 07/11/2008 14:18 - Finland

Today, I dropped my keys in the drain. Thankfully, my new flat mate generously offered his help to reach the keys via flower pot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 331
You deserved it 4 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm a bit confused too. But according to urbandictionary, "flower pot" means "When you soil/shart you underwear, then remove the underwear and put them on someones head." Maybe the person who posted the fml meant soiled underwear? Even then its a bit confusing...unless the flatmate had sh*t themselves and came out in their underwear to help.

silvereye12 7

sarcasm is a foreign language to you, isn't it?


I just wasted time reading a dumbass post....FML>.

Faced159 0

yea this post is kind of stupid.

Is this a storm drain? Or is it a house drain and your life's f***ed because your new roomie's a moron? How on earth did this ambiguous piece of crap get posted?

I'm a bit confused too. But according to urbandictionary, "flower pot" means "When you soil/shart you underwear, then remove the underwear and put them on someones head." Maybe the person who posted the fml meant soiled underwear? Even then its a bit confusing...unless the flatmate had sh*t themselves and came out in their underwear to help.

ROFLMFAO! I havent laughed this hard in a while! This whole fml is full of win!

skyttlz 32

#30 your comment made me rofl I'm still laughing!

LysssNysss 1

Maybe the guy just decided to throw a flower pot in the drain because he's not the sharpest crayon in the box. (:

green_grass 0

maybe the flower pot has holes at the bottom?

ilmforever 0

this makes nooo sense at all so confused

xobriannawoah 0

i dont understand this post.

what the F??? what are you telling me? makes no sense.. I lol'd at number 18 out of stupidity... and at number 25 because that is what i thought!!!! omg comments

Maybe his roommate hit him with a flower pot for losing the keys