By eagerbeaver - 03/09/2009 04:37 - United States

Today, I figured out that a $40 phone case does not protect your $500 phone from a five year-old throwing it off a fourth story balcony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 156
You deserved it 8 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sell the kid, get a new phone. Problem solved.

YDI for throwing a five year old of a four story balcony.


sublime93 0

Oh, shut up Its the OPs money, they can obviously afford it Stop being so damn jealous

Hell, my $30 phone case didn't protect mine from falling 4 feet from my hand.

hmmm.... i am assuming you live in an apartment complex. Paying $500 for a phone is a good indication as to why. YDI

I diskile little kids, my nephew is 8, and he once threw a bolt at my projector screen, and the remote at my TV.

furry_fml 6

How much did the warranty cost?

No case could protect a phone from such bad behavior, but the knowledge that corporal punishment would follow might. Used sparingly and wisely, a few well-timed smacks can make all the difference between a well-mannered child and a juggernaut of destructive brattiness.

Agreed. Five's pretty old to be pulling shit like that. Then again, a lot of these morons think you're destroying a kid's creativity if you potty-train it before 5, so I shouldn't be surprised.

If feminist19 were really true to her belief, she should be impressed that I would treat the child equally regardless of gender. A forty dollar case can't protect what a free can of whoop-ass can!

I have to agree 100% on this. Plexico is a god on FML.

mrda 0

Hahah it's funny to read the broke people complain about a phone they can't afford lol I bet you all despise Macs too? Get some money lol

Hoax_fml 0

And the 5 year old got his hands on your phone why - did he have to make an important business call?

OP: I'm sorry. FYL. I don't know what I would have done in such a situation. I probably would have thrown that stupid kid's ass over too, and then gone to jail. :( Everyone else: How about you stop bitching at the OP for spending $500 on a phone? Just because YOU don't have that kind of disposable income, doesn't mean that everyone else should limit themselves based on what you think is appropriate to spend money on. Maybe the OP has a really well paying job. Maybe he saved for this phone for a long time. Maybe he cut back in one area of his life, so that he could make this one purchase. Who the **** are YOU to judge?! You don't know his situation. He clearly likes and enjoys his phone, and to him, it's worth $500. Are you going to bitch at people who drive nice cars next? Or people who enjoy playing Xbox and Wii, because the consoles cost $300? Who made YOU a money expert? It's none of your business what people do with their money. Being jealous does not give you a right to bitch. You know if someone gave you an iPhone for free, you'd take it without hesitation. Get off your high horse. (Ha, funny thinking that people LOWER on the socioeconomic ladder think so HIGHLY of themselves.)

QFT. I'm broke as **** but I saved for months for my 400 dollar iPhone. I love it. I live far away from home atm, so all the extra functionalities are a life saver to me to keep me in touch with my family and amuse me on hour+ long bus rides. Just because someone has an expensive phone doesn't mean they're a rich bastard, or that they have disposable income.

I have iPhone 3GS, pretty damn sweet, so if mine got thrown by my child(one I don't have yet) I would be just as devastated! this does suck, true FML