By hoolabaloo - 08/03/2013 03:53 - India - Ahmadabad

Today, I finally got the courage to confess my feelings to the guy I have loved for a year now in a long note. He called half an hour later and said, "I'm not going to read this crap, just tell me what it says". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 723
You deserved it 8 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This FML post was way too long! Can you just tell me what it says?

Anyone who treats you like that, isn't worth it.


Rude. I feel ya, girl. My own (ex)boyfriend did that too me on multiple occasions.

You dodged a bullet there. What a rude jerk! At the same time though, guys usually aren't so impressed by long, romantic love letters. Depending on what you write in it and how cheesy it is, you risk looking desperate. Of course there are exceptions, but I would recommend a more direct, concise approach for next time.