By anonymouschicka - 01/08/2009 19:20 - United States

Today, I finished doing a resume that I had spent three hours on. I e-mailed it to the business I was applying for, satisfied. I decided to look it over. The first thing I notice, I spelt my own name wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 254
You deserved it 54 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

moleSG 6

That's why you look it over BEFORE sending it. Sorry, but YDI.

oh look, I found another homoretardis in its natural habitat trolling and giving the most dumbass YDI remarks.... what a hideous sight!


kahyia 0

EPIC FAIL this has been done before.... and might i add the other one was WAY BETTER

YDI for not reading it over before sending it off.

Yeah you have to double check everything, and I mean EVERYTHING before you send in a resume, down to the last detail. Every letter, every space, every punctuation mark. In other words YDI for not checking things over carefully.

This is why we check our work over BEFORE we turn it in.

haha you totally deserve that one! why wouldn't you check it BEFORE you send it?

irrelevantxx 0

That's why there's a such thing as checking twice, bud.

huh, didn't check over your resume or the know it's sad when you can't spell "spelled" right

wistfultigerlily 0

dumbass. do your research before you beat on someone. just look it up. spelt and spelled are both correct; spelt has simply fallen out of common use, but is completely acceptable.