By Anonymous - 18/10/2011 20:35 - United States

Today, I found out I have an abscess in my bellybutton which causes me extreme pain and discomfort when I sit down. I am a receptionist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 153
You deserved it 2 670

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yesio12 13

You should get that checked out. It's affecting your daily life and causing pain :/

every1luvsboners 11

Go to a car wash, pay the 50 cents to use the vacuum on your belly button and it'll suck that thing right out of there.


Squeeze the pus. Perhaps you will feel better.

btnhdude 0

No, no, no, squeezing pus and smushing it in your hands is really stress relieving.

kaykay20 0

Popping anything is bad it traps it under the skin. Since this is a infection her best option is to see the doctor about it in order to get it treated correctly.

This is such a F-ed up situation it cant even be funny i feel really sorry for you

Abscess popping on YouTube is some of the sickest most exciting shit I've ever watched. Damn it I have to go watch some now...

Get it drained o_O FYL OP I had one on my lower back,,, shit hurted like hell :/ & it drained for a week straight ew

Nolnah 14

it could be worse you could be black.....