By SleepyKirsty - 09/06/2009 13:36 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out just how thin the walls at my new student flat are. They are so thin in fact, that I can hear the creepy guy next door say my full name over and over again very slowly whilst masturbating rigorously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 120 749
You deserved it 5 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL and fyl for sure but dont be surprised about how often guys jerk off about and what about, you were just a little more aware about it happening


In my last place, a duplex, the neighbor was a hotish single mom. She used to fire up a vibrator late, late at night. I'm sure she wasn't thinking of me. But it was hot none-the-less.

That's one of the grossest things I've ever heard and @17 No one said she was thin. Big people can be just as attractive.

I'm glad you took the care to put your first name in the credit for your post. Well Kirsty, I would just like you to know that I too will now be repeating your name when I go home and ********** tonight. Sweet dreams. :)

that's absolutely hilarious. be flattered!

Run away. Now. Or bitch-slap him, that works too. :)

I'm with #23. Just yell "I can hear you." And I'm sure he isn't the first guy to ********** thinking of you, just the only one you know about. #2 was right.

omg!!!!! it be even creepier if u 2 were of the same gender...