By knolan - 20/07/2011 04:40 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend has checked every girl he has ever slept with for 'vagina teeth'. I'm apparently no exception. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 406
You deserved it 5 818

Same thing different taste


dude it's from that ****** up movie about that

tayruru 0

Well have you seen that ******* movie?! If I was a dude I'd be afraid of that shit!

But you're ugly, so I choose to disregard your comment.

I love the move 'Teeth' Hahaha he's a smart fellow

Someone tell me what this is.. don't wanna google it haha

ask your mom she knows all about the creepy sex stuff.

I googled, but everybody was saying it was creepy as **** so I didn't end up clicking the wiki page. A ****** with teeth that was a myth created to prevent men from raping women, or something?

a_nutritionist 10

its about as creepy as any other b grade movie. cheesy is more the word id use.

jassi101 5

well, in his defense that was a bit of a scary movie.. kinda creeped me out :-(

creedaddict 9

u should put some fake teeth down there and scare the living shit out of him for being a total ass ...